Hello School Families,
We are gearing up for Catholic Schools Week next week!
You are invited to kick off CSW on Sunday 1/ 26 at 9:30 am for Coffee and Donuts after the 8:30 mass at St. Mary’s Church.
And we will conclude with a Pizza Party in the gym at 5:30 on Saturday 2/ 1. We ask for RSVPs for the Pizza Party to help plan for food. Please RSVP by clicking here: https://www.signupgenius.com/
To show our appreciation to our staff and teachers we have a teacher breakfast on Monday and a staff luncheon on Wednesday. Monday’s breakfast, all items are volunteered. We are still in need of items for the Luncheon:
2 soups (1 broth based, 1 cream based)
iced tea
heavy duty plates
If you are able to bring any of these items, please click the link below to sign up!
Thank you so much!
Looking forward to an amazing Catholic Schools Week!